Friday, November 28, 2014

Jihadists tout training camps for children in Iraq and Syria, by Bill Roggio & Caleb Weiss

The Islamic State, the Al Nusrah Front, the Islamic Front, and Junud al Sham have been showcasing camps in Iraq and Syria that are being used to indoctrinate and train children to wage jihad. The groups have recently advertised a number of training facilities for children, including one located in Ninewa province in Iraq and others in Aleppo, in and around the Islamic State's self-proclaimed capital of Raqqah, and other areas of Syria.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Islamic State Reshapes the Middle East, by George Friedman

Nuclear talks with Iran have failed to yield an agreement, but the deadline for a deal has been extended without a hitch. What would have been a significant crisis a year ago, replete with threats and anxiety, has been handled without drama or difficulty. This new response to yet another failure to reach an accord marks a shift in the relationship between the United States and Iran, a shift that can’t be understood without first considering the massive geopolitical shifts that have taken place in the Middle East, redefining the urgency of the nuclear issue.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Qatar and Terror, by Denis MacEoin

Although outwardly more liberal than the Saudis, the Qataris have surpassed them as financiers of extremism and terrorism.
U.S. officials reckon that Qatar has now replaced Saudi Arabia as the source of the largest private donations to the Islamic State and other al-Qaeda affiliates.
Qatar, the world's wealthiest country per capita, also has the unsavory reputation for the mistreatment and effective slavery of much of its workforce.
Leaders of Western states threatened by jihadi advances are happy to sit down with the largest financiers of terrorism in the world, offer them help, take as much money as they can, and smile for the cameras.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

UK Salafist Group Linked to British ISIS Fighters,by Samuel Westrop

"Islamic radicals [are] hiding behind the scenes, influencing the minds of young people. ... Someone is persuading them, brainwashing them." — Ahmed Muthana, father of the jihadist Muthana brothers.
Mehdi Hassan is the fourth British man from the coastal city of Portsmouth to be killed while fighting for ISIS in Syria. Hassan was just 19 when he left with four friends for Syria in October 2013. They named themselves the "Britani Brigade Bangladeshi Bad Boys." Four of the five have been killed.
Much of the media has, over the last few years, attempted to explain why British Muslims are being radicalized, and why some wish to fight for a terror group known and feared for its brutality.

Some commentators blame the darker corners of the internet; some point to the supposed glamour and glory of war, and others attribute part of the blame to "government policy" and the "persecution" felt by British Muslims living in a country allegedly full of "anti-Islamic feeling."

Those concerned with the practical workings of radicalization, however, look to the initial involvement of Western recruits to ISIS with extremist preachers and organizations. Even while crediting the allure of the internet, it seems improbable that anyone would join a cult or extremist group without some encouragement or introduction.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Σημαντικές βομβιστικές επιθέσεις στην Αθήνα μεταξύ 2010-2014, του Ιωάννη Μιχαλέτου

Η Αθήνα κατέχει  Πανευρωπαϊκό ρεκόρ στις βομβιστικές επιθέσεις με σημαντική ποσότητα εκρηκτικής/εύφλεκτης ύλης από τις τοπικές τρομοκρατικές ομάδες, στις περισσότερες περιπτώσεις δίχως θύματα.

Η παρακάτω λίστα περιέχει τις πιο σημαντικές από αυτές.

Η Επέκταση του Ισλαμικού Χαλιφάτου, του Ανδρέα Μπανούτσου

 Το άρθρο αυτό γράφτηκε για το και αναδημοσιεύεται από το RIMSE

Στις 10 Νοεμβρίου μια μερίδα Τζιχαντιστών της Αλγερίας, της Λιβύης, της Αιγύπτου, της Σαουδικής Αραβίας και της Υεμένης έδωσαν όρκο πίστης και υποταγής στον αυτοαποκαλούμενο χαλίφη του «Ισλαμικού Κράτους» Αμπού Μπακρ Αλ Μπαγκντάντι διαψεύδοντας κατά αυτόν τον τρόπο έμμεσα τις φήμες που κυκλοφόρησαν προ δεκαημέρου ότι ο «χαλίφης» τραυματίστηκε θανάσιμα από τις αεροπορικές επιδρομές των ΗΠΑ και των συμμάχων τους.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Analysis: Islamic State snuff videos help to attract more followers, by Thomas Joscelyn

Abu Bakr al Baghdadi's Islamic State, the al Qaeda offshoot that controls large portions of Iraq and Syria, has claimed to have beheaded yet another Western hostage, along with more than a dozen captured Syrian soldiers. In a newly-released video, a henchman for the group stands over what appears to be the severed head of Peter Kassig, a former US Army Ranger turned aid worker who was kidnapped in Syria in late 2013.
From the Islamic State's perspective, such videos serve multiple purposes. They are meant to intimidate the organization's enemies in the West and elsewhere, show defiance in the face of opposition, and to convince other jihadists that Baghdadi's state is the strong horse. Al Qaeda, the Islamic State's rival, long ago determined that graphic beheading videos do more harm than good for the jihadists' cause, as they turn off more prospective supporters than they earn. But the Islamic State has clearly come to the opposite conclusion, cornering the market on savagery.

Monday, November 17, 2014

A Sunni Hezbollah? by Jonathan Spyer

Jabhat al-Nusra, like the Lebanse Shi'ite organization, is emerging as a movement that combines uncompromising jihadi ideology with tactical flexibility. Jabhat al-Nusra, the Islamist group which constitutes al-Qaida's "official franchise" in Syria, this week carried out a successful offensive against Western-backed rebel militias in northern Syria. Key areas were captured.
Islamic State and its activities further east continue to dominate Western media reporting on the war in Syria. But in northwest Syria, Lebanon and the area immediately east of the Golan, it is Nusra which is becoming the main Sunni jihadi force on the ground.
There are significant differences in the praxis of these two movements, despite their near-identical ideological stances. Islamic State prefers to rule by straightforward terror – see its slaughter of 322 members of the Albu Nimr tribe north of Ramadi this week.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Coalition Divided Over Goals, by Thierry Meyssan

Washington seems to have abandoned its Levant remodeling map for another. However, the failure of the first project and the strength of the Syrian people do not bode well for the implementation of this new plan. Thierry Meyssan reviews the adjustments it requires and the division it has created within the coalition: on one side, the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia, on the other, France and Turkey.

United Arab Emirates publishes list of terrorist organisations

Abu Dhabi: The UAE Cabinet has endorsed a list of terrorist organisations in line with the Federal Law No.7 for 2014 on combating terrorist crimes.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Can Islamic State Survive without Baghdadi? by Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi

In the wake of US-led air strikes on an Islamic State (IS) convoy near the Iraqi city of Mosul on Friday, media have been awash with rumours that IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was killed or injured.
The apparent silence of IS sources on the issue could be evidence that something has happened to al-Baghdadi. But there was a similar lack of official IS denial of rumours that the group's spokesman, Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, had been killed in air strikes earlier this year - something that later turned out to be unfounded.
A Twitter account purportedly belonging to Adnani has claimed Baghdadi should be on his way to a speedy recovery, but the account is almost certainly fake, as it refers to Adnani in the third person at one point. Were it real, Twitter would have deleted it some time ago, having cracked down on all traces of an official IS presence on its platform.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Analysis: CENTCOM Draws Misleading Line Between Al Nusrah Front and Khorasan Group, by Bill Roggio & Thomas Joscelyn

US Central Command [CENTCOM] attempted to distinguish between the Al Nusrah Front, al Qaeda's official branch in Syria, and the so-called Khorasan Group in yesterday's's press release that detailed airstrikes in Syria.
CENTCOM, which directs the US and coalition air campaign against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, denied that the five airstrikes targeted "the Nusrah Front as a whole" due to its infighting with the Syrian Revolutionaries' Front, but instead claimed the attacks were directed at the Khorasan Group.
"These strikes were not in response to the Nusrah Front's clashes with the Syrian moderate opposition, and they did not target the Nusrah Front as a whole," CENTCOM noted in its press release.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Ισλαμοποίηση των Σκοπίων σε πλήρη εξέλιξη, του Ιωάννη Μιχαλέτου

Η διαδικασία "Ισλαμοποίησης" των Σκοπίων-ΠΓΔΜ, βρίσκεται σε πλήρη εξέλιξη, ταυτόχρονα με την "Ντε Φάκτο" Αλβανοποίηση της χώρας.

Πλήρης κατάλογος διεθνών Ισλαμικών ΜΚΟ που ελέγχονται από τη Τουρκία-Μέρος 2ο-, του Ιωάννη Μιχαλέτου

Παρουσιάζονται τα "πρόσωπα-κλειδιά" σε συνάρτηση με την προηγούμενη ανάρτηση των ελεγχόμενων από τη Τουρκία ΜΚΟ.

Όπως αναφέρθηκε, υπάρχει άμεση αλληλεξάρτηση με τα δίκτυα της Μουσουλμανικής Αδελφότητας (Μ.Α.)

Πλήρης κατάλογος διεθνών Ισλαμικών ΜΚΟ που ελέγχονται από τη Τουρκία-Μέρος 1ο-, του Ιωάννη Μιχαλέτου

Ο κάτωθι κατάλογος-λίστα περιλαμβάνει τις Ισλαμικές Μ.Κ.Ο.που ελέγχονται από τη Τουρκία και ειδικότερα από το κυβερνών κόμμα Α.Κ.Π. με βάση την πλεύση και τη συμμαχία που έχει χαράξει με την "Μουσουλμανική Αδελφότητα" (Μ.Α.) σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο. 

Friday, November 7, 2014

The Obama administration and its links to Islamism, by Giovanni Giacalone

The so-called "Arab Spring" had its start between December 2010 and January 2011; since then the Middle East and North Africa have been at the center of major social and political changes that in many cases ended up in total chaos and war, as it is still nowadays in Syria and Libya and with important repercussions in Lebanon, Iraq, Tunisia and Egypt.
The United States gave full support to those branches of political Islam linked to the Muslim Brotherhood such as the FJP in Egypt, Ennahda in Tunisia, while in Syria the Islamist group was trying to establish their own militia and gain influence in the armed struggle against Assad. [1] [2]
According to Gulf News sources, the US have been maintaining close relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood, organization that is banned in Russia since 2003 due to its links to Chechen terrorists in the Caucasus and that has also recently been banned in Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Jihadi Connection between Sinai, Gaza and Islamic State, by Jonathan Spyer

What kind of relations do the jihadists of northern Sinai and Gaza have with Islamic State, and with Hamas? Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi declared a three-month national emergency this week, following the killing of over 31 Egyptian soldiers in a suicide car bombing carried out by jihadists in northern Sinai.
No organization has issued an authoritative claim of responsibility for the bombing, but it comes amid a state of open insurgency in northern Sinai, as Egyptian security forces battle a number of jihadist organizations. Most prominent among these groups are Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis and Majlis Shura al-Mujahideen; the attack on the Sinai military base came a few days after an Egyptian court sentenced seven members of Ansar Beit al-Maqdis to death for carrying out previous attacks on the army.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Λαθρεμπόριο όπλων, Βοσνία-Τουρκία-Ισλαμικό κράτος, του Ιωάννη Μιχαλέτου

Η Βοσνία-Ερζεγοβίνη, αποτελεί εδώ και έτη τον "ελέφαντα στο δωμάτιο" που πολλοί δείχνουν ότι δεν βλέπουν σε ότι αφορά στα θέματα της Ισλαμικής τρομοκρατίας στην Ευρώπη και ευρύτερα.  

Islamization trends in the Balkans, by Ioannis Michaletos

The current snapshot of the Islamization process in the Balkans is of interesting nature nowadays, by taking into account the aftermath of the Arab Spring and the vicious war ignited by the "ISIS-Islamic State" in the Middle East.