Thursday, July 31, 2014

Η Ουκρανική κρίση και οι κίνδυνοι για την Ελληνική Ομογένεια, του Ανδρέα Μπανούτσου

Στο σημερινό μας άρθρο στο RIMSE κατά παρέκκλιση από τη κύρια θεματολογία του ιστολογίου θα αναφερθούμε στην Ελληνική Ομογένεια της Ουκρανίας και τους κινδύνους που αντιμετωπίζει λόγω της συνεχιζόμενης πολεμικής σύγκρουσης στο Ανατολικό κομμάτι της χώρας.

                                       ΟΜΟΓΕΝΕΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΟΥΚΡΑΝΙΑΣ


      Ο Ελληνισμός της Ουκρανίας αποτελεί σημαντικό τμήμα της  Ομογένειας της Ευρώπης και ενδιαφέρεται έντονα για την διατήρηση των δεσμών του με το Μητροπολιτικό Κέντρο. Εκτός από σημαντικό στοιχείο της Ομογένειας, αποτελεί και ιστορικό συστατικό στοιχείο της ουκρανικής κοινωνίας με σημαντική δράση, έργο και παρουσία στη διοικητική, οικονομική και πολιτιστική ζωή της χώρας.Ο ελληνικός πληθυσμός της Ουκρανίας  αριθμεί, σύμφωνα με τοπικούς παράγοντες της ομογένειας, περισσότερα από 150.0000 άτομα ενώ στην τελευταία απογραφή πληθυσμού της Ουκρανίας που έλαβε χώρα το έτος 2001, ελληνική καταγωγή δήλωσαν 91.548 άτομα.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Eurasian Economic Union as a global catalyst, by Ioannis Michaletos

Note to readers: From time to time R.I.M.S.E. presents articles of a wider and strategic interest of security affairs not solemny related to the main theme of "Southeastern European radical Islam".

In order to portray and enlighten around the wider geopolitical trends that eventually reflect on every aspect of the contemporary regional security sphere. 

In a December 2012 article the theme of the so-called "Eurasian Union" was touched upon, based on the trends ahead and the importance of Ukraine as a main factor and point of interest. (Link: 

Friday, July 25, 2014

Why Qatar and Turkey Can’t Solve the Crisis in Gaza, by David Andrew Weinberg and Jonathan Schanzer

With Washington desperate for a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, and with Egypt having flamed out as a broker of calm, two of Hamas’s top patrons are about to be rewarded with a high-profile diplomatic victory. U.S. and Israeli media are now reporting that the White House may be looking to Qatar and Turkey to help negotiate an end to the hostilities. Qatar, in fact, held a high-profile cease-fire summit in Doha on Sunday that included Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, the Norwegian foreign minister, and Hamas leader Khaled Meshal.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Palestinian Suffering Used to Demonize Israel, by Efraim Karsh

No sooner had Israel launched Operation Protective Edge to stop the sustained rocket and missile attacks on its civilian population by the Gaza-based Hamas terror organization than it came under a barrage of international criticism, with tens of thousands of violent demonstrators flocking into the streets of London, Paris, Berlin, Oslo, Sydney, Buenos Aires and New York, among other places, to demand an end to the "Gaza slaughter."

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Η Νέο-τρομοκρατία στη Ελλάδα, του Ιωάννη Μιχαλέτου

Η εξάρθρωση ως επί το πλείστον της τρομοκρατικής οργάνωσης 17 Ν, δεν επέφερε το τέλος της τρομοκρατίας στην Ελλάδα, εν αντιθέσει νέες ομάδες εμφανίστηκαν που εν πολλοίς αποτελούν παραφυάδες του ευρύτερου συστήματος υποστήριξης της 17 Ν αλλά και της οργάνωσης Ε.Λ.Α. 

Τα χαρακτηριστικά στοιχεία όμως αυτών των ομάδων της τελευταίας δεκαετίας, είναι σαφέστατα διακριτά σε σύγκριση με την περίοδο 1973-2003.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Islamic Radicalism in the Balkans, by Giovanni Giacalone

Measures in the Balkans against foreign fighters
In the first half of 2014 Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina and FYROM have all approved a legal framework to sanction citizens that take part in foreign wars, such as the one in Syria and Iraq, intending to discourage participation and prevent returnees from going back to their countries of origins, where they could pose a serious threat to public security. [1]

Western 'Jihadists' Trekking to Syria, Iraq Pose New Terror Threat, by Thomas K. Grose

When a 13-minute-long recruitment video for one of the largest Islamic terrorist groups fighting in Syria and Iraq popped up on the Internet two weeks ago, it underscored an alarming fact: nearly 500 Britons – mainly young men – have traveled to the two war-torn countries to fight as jihadists. The video featured two young men from Wales and one from Scotland urging other Western Muslims to join them in the “holy war.”

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Ο "Πράσινος Διάδρομος", του Ιωάννη Μιχαλέτου

Συνοπτική αναφορά περί του "Πράσινου Διαδρόμου" στα Βαλκάνια

Ο όρος "Πράσινος Διάδρομος" είναι μια υπόθεση εργασίας που βασίζεται όμως σε ουκ ολίγα εμπειρικά στοιχεία και απτές ενδείξεις, περί της πολύχρονης προσπάθειας Ισλαμιστικών κύκλων να εγκαθιδρύσουν μια Ντε Φάκτο ζώνη ελέγχου-επιρροής που θα επεκτείνεται από την Κωνσταντινούπολη έως τη Βιέννη, διαμέσου των Βαλκανικών κρατών. 

Friday, July 4, 2014

The Lost Spring: U.S. Policy in the Middle East, by Walid Phares

The decision had already been made a year ago that a deal would be cut with the Iranian regime. If one has a deal, one is not going to enter into a war with the allies of the Ayatollah, such as Syria. That would kill the deal.
These advisors and the pro-Iranian lobby in Washington are not made up only of Iranians. They are made of financial interest groups. For all these years there has been the idea that if we cut a deal with the Iranian regime, they will stabilize Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.
When the Iranians moved in to Syria, Hezbollah moved in. When both moved in, Al-Qaeda moved in. That was the end of civil demonstrations.
The current Middle East policy tracks are in the papers of the academics who are advising the administration. All one has to do is go to the libraries and read what the advisors have been writing for so many decades and then deduce the current policy.
We were in Iraq. By looking at a map, one can understand that by being in Iraq, the U.S. served as a wall, disconnecting Iran from going into Syria.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

15 suicide bombers recently arrived to Lebanon: Western intelligence, by Radwan Mortada

Lebanese army intelligence apprehended a suicide bombings operative known as Abu Ubaida Zahraman while his partner remains in hiding. Makers of the explosive belts used in DuRoy Hotel in Raouche were also arrested. Amid rumors and false news about the proliferation of suicide bombers and terrorist cells, Western intelligence sources indicated that around 20 suicide bombers arrived in Lebanon in the past two months.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's Message as Caliph, by Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi

"[F]ear Allah as he should be feared and do not die except as Muslims.... Go forth, O mujahidin in the path of Allah. Terrify the enemies of Allah and seek death.... for the dunyā [worldly life] will come to an end, and the hereafter will last forever." — Abu Bakr al-Husayni al-Baghdadi, Caliph, "The Islamic State" [aka ISIS]