Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Radical Islamist media network in Western Balkans, by Ioannis Michaletos

The ongoing propaganda network of radical Sunni-Islamist networks in the Western Balkans is greatly promoted via the use of websites, online talk shows and the facebook.

The basic aim is to activate the radical audience for any specific strategic or certain tactical aims of the financiers of these networks and to promote the recruitment of new members.

The target groups being sought are young Bosniaks and Albanians. The attempts being used are well-coordinated and funded, are characterized by long-term and continuous operations and have become inexorably related to the Syrian conflict. 

An amass of media propaganda is directed for the cause of the "Jihadization" of the Syrian civil war. Bearing in mind of the strong links for years between financiers from the Arabic Peninsula and the Western Balkan Islamists, it seems that both propaganda and recruitment have acquired firm roots.

The media examined below are filled with: Anti-Christian, Anti-Semitic, Anti-Western, Anti-Democratic, Anti-Russian, Anti-Chinese, Anti-Shia arguments and threats against the local societies, their representatives, as well as, the communities of moderate Muslims. 

Moreover the idolization of suicide bombers, Jihadists and international terrorist groups is of constant nature. A common element of all the media is the nexus with the Wahhabi islam and the "pure" vs "unpure" Islam.

Members of these networks supporting the media at hand have been implicated over the previous years in terrorist attacks or attempts in Bosnia, Serbia, Albania, Kosovo and FYROM. Furthermore they are implicated of the recrutiment, assistance and preparation of outgoing "Jihadists" into the Syrian battlefield.

The list below is a summarized one, containing some of the radical media chosen because of their repeated extreme rhetoric, increased audience influence and international connections.


- (The path of the faithone )

- (The path ofIslam )

- (Guerilas of Sharia )

- (News of the community )

- (Community of Sanjak Wahhabis)


- Profile of page "Krenaria Islame" (Islamic glory) with various details on Jihad in Syria

- ("Imam's" Mazllami page)

- ("Imam's" Krasniki webpage)

- Page of "Imam" Bekir Halimi

- Page of "Imam" Sadullah Bajrami


- Peace TV, in Kosovo with "Imam" Zaher Naik who beams a 12 hour daily radical Islamic show in Albanian language. The network of Peace TV is a global one encompassing radicalism from India to UK, with a particular focus in the Balkans.


Kosovo e Lire 94.2 FM

Other (Optical-audio production)

studio kalaja

Studio AudioNur

Studio Zeri Islam

The extremist organization Active Islamic Youth (AIO), publsihes a weekly newsletter named SAFF, also transmitted online in various channels.