Thursday, January 2, 2014
Islamists in Ireland, by Daniel Greenfield
Adapted from the original article in FrontPage Mag: " Islam to Become Ireland’s 2nd Largest Religion" : Front Page Mag December 31, 2013 by Daniel Greenfield
R.I.M.S.E. Note : Although Ireland may be geographical afar from Southeastern Europe, the EU and global nexus of different Islamist extremist sects, clearly indicates that the problems arising in Dublin could be related to the ones in the Balkans due to interpersonal and logistics connections by a number of potential Jihadists.
In 2001, there were less than 2000 Muslims in Ireland. Now there are nearly 50,000. By 2020, there will be an estimated 100,000. By 2043, Islam will be Ireland’s second largest religion.
Population statistics compiled by the Central Statistics Office confirmed that Islam is now Ireland’s fastest-growing religion and, at its current rate of expansion, it is set to become the second religion in the State after Catholicism by 2043.
The latest Census figures also revealed that 84pc of the Irish population describe themselves as Catholic, down from 91.6pc in the 1991 census.
The second fastest growing religion in Ireland is Orthodox Christianity, where numbers have doubled in the space of five years, rising to 45,223 in 2011. This is almost entirely down to immigration from the former Soviet bloc states where Orthodox Christianity is dominant.
The Protestant religions accounted for some 5pc of the population, dramatically down on figures from 1900-1920.
The number of Irish people with no religion, atheists and agnostics, increased by 400pc in Ireland between 1991 and 2011 to a total of 277,237.
There’s nothing unusual here. Ireland is going the way of the rest of Europe and the rest of the First World. Ireland already has its own Muslim knockout games. And Islamic terrorists are setting up shop there.
Britain’s MI-5 (domestic intelligence service) has expanded its operations in the neighboring Irish Republic, after increased al Qaeda, and Islamic radical, activity was detected. Three Afghan men were recently arrested, in a room full of bomb making materials. There are dozens of similar suspects under surveillance. For the last three decades, Ireland and Britain have cooperated on domestic security issues, initially because of a mutual need to keep an eye on the IRA (Irish Republican Army) terrorists. The IRA has devolved into a criminal gang, but al Qaeda, and other Islamic radical groups have found Ireland a convenient place to hide out and plan their next atrocity.
Members of the ICCI mosque celebrated the kidnapping of Irish aid worker Margaret Hassan. Children at a school linked to the same mosque mourned the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of Al Qa’ida in Iraq; Irish media has reported that Dr. Ali Selim, a leader in the Irish Muslim Brotherhood, has made comments praising the concept of “martyrdom.”
The Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland (ICCI) is an important part of the European Muslim Brotherhood serving as host for the European Council for Fatwa and Research (ECFR), the theological body headed by global Muslim Brotherhood leader Youssef Qaradawi. The ICCI is also the registered headquarters for Qaradawi’s International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS).
Noah Al-Kaddo, the ICCI Executive Director, is also an officer of the Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe (FIOE), the European umbrella organization for the Muslim Brotherhood and the parent organization of the ECFR. Ali Selim is the private secretary to ICCI Imam Hussein Halawa and is described as a “resident theologian.”
Mr. Selim attracted a great deal of local media attention in September 2006 when he told a newspaper interviewer that, ideally, he would like to see Shariah law adopted in Ireland in the “event of a Muslim majority.”